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Rage, Your Friend or Foe?… Understanding Attack Lines In The Hands


By Baeth Davis
The Palm Pilot for the Soul of Your Business™
and Your Love & Money On Purpose Mentor!

Attack lines. Sounds inviting, doesn’t it? When you are the owner of attack lines in your hands, you are internalizing your own anger and directing it at some part of your self – and thus, some part of your life.

Since I have many attack lines, my hands are a good example to share of some of the possible attack lines. Attack lines, like all markers in the hands, have a Student Path (pain and challenge) and Master Path (learning and growth). These markings can appear on right and left hands.

#1) Abyss Line. It travels from the Mound of Mars to the base of the middle finger (Saturn). When this line shows in your hands, it is likely you have had periods of deep depression, possibly accompanied by suicidal thoughts. If you have read or heard my story, you know that sucide is something I considered in my late 20s. Not because of low self-esteem so much as a lack of meaning in my life. I was making decent money at a job that allowed me a fair amount of creative freedom. I had a supportive circle of friends. However, I was miserable and lost. I wanted a space ship to arrive to take me back to my home planet. (Not kidding.)

I was stuck in the abyss of despair. I felt off balance and results came with great difficulty. I obviously decided against offing myself (it would be too hard on my mom and she deserved better than that!). To find the Master Path of the Abyss line, I had to stop attacking myself for not knowing my direction in life. I had to learn to ask for help and receive it.

I prayed for the Universe to please show me my life’s purpose – and a few weeks later, I was introduced to hand analysis. Discovering my life’s purpose as a “business owner, innovative mentor and spiritual teacher” gave me the courage (a Mound of Mars quality) to do whatever was required to be accountable to my purpose (a Saturn quality) and my own success. I was willing to face my difficulties head on and get the support and education required to grow in my life’s purpose.

#2) Intimacy Attack Line. It travels from the Mound of Mars to the Mound of Mercury under the little finger. As an owner of this line, I found that I attracted partners who only let me get so close to them before they pushed me away. It would be a reflection of the barriers I’ve erected around my own heart by choosing people for whom intimacy is uncomfortable – because it’s often uncomfortable for me.

My inner ‘attack’ dialogue has consisted of either feeling unlovable or thinking superior thoughts, such as “no one is sensitive enough to really ‘get’ who I am.” I have found that I’ve been attacked from the outside verbally and then retaliate with my own verbal attacks. Sometimes it goes the other way. It is a deeply painful and unproductive way to relate to an intimate partner but has felt like my only option at times as my rage and frustration left me tongue-tied. Not being able to say what I felt or meant clearly, I felt misunderstood. This reinforced the idea that I’m “bad at love,” continuing the internal cycle of self-attack.

As I’ve dug deeper with this line, I do feel the Master Path choice is to find the courage (Mars energy) to verbally express my inner truth, regardless of the expectations of others – in the moment. The outer attacks seem to come at me as a result of me not being verbally authentic over time and the other person building a case against me as they feel the disconnection but can’t understand the direct cause. Their words ‘attack me’ as a direct reflection of my own self-judgment. The solution is to verbally reveal my inner experience, even if I am rejected for my truth. For only in a place of truth is real intimacy possible.

#3) Divorce Point Line. It travels from the Mound of Mars to touch the heart line in the Mercury mound area. Similar in flavor to the Intimacy Attack line, the Divorce Point line asks us to express our feelings. Whereas the Intimacy Attack line calls out for verbal dialogue where inner experiences are expressed (dreams, fears, longings, visions, etc.) with the other person, the Divorce Point line requires emotional expression, which is not verbal, but felt from the heart.

Because disowned qualities, skills and talents are often projected onto others (they are given the credit or blame, accordingly), I’ve chosen partners for whom expression of heart sensations and emotions was as difficult for them as it is for me. I then determined ‘they’ weren’t capable of intimacy and either they, or I, ‘divorced’ the relationship. I do have one actual legal divorce under my belt and I’d like to keep the tally at one!

The Master Path of the Divorce Point line is an active commitment to self-love through full emotional expression and release. I now – finally! – feel full on the inside. The quickest path to this has been deep breathing work and emotional release. The more I’ve given myself permission to laugh, cry, grieve, yell, rage, the more I find that I’m okay. I am lovable as I am. My rage is as beautiful and powerful as my creativity or my eroticism. When I am particularly furious, I get in my car, make sure the windows are up and just scream from my belly until I can scream no more.

It feels good to scream – but where in our society is screaming actively encouraged? The closest we come is to open screaming is the selective use of swear words – which aren’t ‘bad’ words – they are words to help adults express rage, fear and frustration without kicking someone in the shins. If reading this makes you uncomfortable, I would guess that your own anger makes you uncomfortable. Just a hunch!

#4) Pluto Attack Line. (Also sometimes referred to as the “Zindler line.”) Most folks with this line are unaware of quite how angry they are. I am now aware. Yikes. I sometimes feel a rage so deep – it feels like a dragon lives in my belly. It roils up from the injustice (Mars student path) and darkness (Pluto student path) I see in the world. Part of my rage is that others can’t seem to see the darkness – or refuse to see it. As if pretending people aren’t regularly killed in senseless wars, sold into slavery, addicted, involved in gangs and mafias, etc. will make the darkness go away. So part of my work is to find appropriate outlets for this rage – such as service work and my “rants” on my webinars and blog posts.

By acknowledging my rage, I step onto the Master Path and bring these issues to the “light” in a way that is patient, kind and thoughtful, rather than harsh or destructive. Not an easy feat, as the rebel in me wants to break down barriers quickly. If I overly contain my rage, I find that others will seem to trigger or ‘cause’ it, making it seem like their fault, when I’m mad at myself for not taking on the required tasks of my own transformation (Pluto energy).

Whew. Exploring attack lines can feel heavy. Does it feel heavy to you? Or a relief to know what’s going on with these markers? I invite you to stand up now and shake your body for a few minutes to shake some of this intense energy into balance.

Intrigued by the “personal design” in your hands? As Pamelah Landers says, “If it’s in your hands, it’s in your life.” Please consider joining us for our 2014 year long training. Waiting list is filling. Email spotlight@yourpurpose.com to receive more info.

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